Monday 1 October 2012

Week 5: Collection Board Game - 4 Tile

Name of the Game: 4 Tile

Number of Players: 2-4

Object of the Game: The first player to get the specific number of each color tile wins.

How to Play:

  1. All players start on any corner on the board.
  2. At the start of the game players roll a die for each of the 4 colors(green,red,blue,white) on the board. Each roll determines how many tokens of that color players will need to win. Eg. Roll a 4,3,2 then 1 would mean the first player to get 4 green, 3 red, 2 blue and 1 white token will win.
  3. Players take turns rolling the die and move around the board in a clockwise direction.
  4. When a player lands on a colored space, they collect one token of that color.
  5. When a player lands on one of the 'X' spaces, they should follow the directions written on the board.
    • For the top right and bottom left corners: Pick a player. This player loses one token of every color.
    • For the top left and bottom right corners: Lose one token of every color.
    • For the top and bottom middle spaces: All other players lose one of every color.
    • For the right and left middle spaces: Take one of any color from each player.
  6. The player to get the specified amount of tokens wins.
  7. Players may trade with others at the start of their turn.
We wanted to make a game that was simple enough for players to understand while still creating opportunities for players to interact, and not having the game drag on. We started the initial concept with just the colored tiles, and then we added the 'X' spaces and made them all do something different. We found that there was much more interaction that way, without having to add more mechanics and rules.

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