Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Week 13: Healthy Games - Season Salad

Name of the Game: Season Salad

Number of Players: 3-8

Time to Play: 10-15 minutes

Objective: Get rid of all your cards.

  1. Shuffle the deck
  2. Deal the cards evenly between all players
  1. Before the game begins, players can claim pairs by putting them face up or face down on the table.
    • A pair consists of a season and a corresponding fruit during that season.
  2. Once gameplay has begun, players take turns in a clockwise direction, taking a random card from the player on their right, one at a time. 
    • If they have a pair when they take a random card, they put it face down and play continues.
  3. The player with the Ice Cream card at the end is the loser.
This game was inspired by the Victorian card game Old Maid.

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